More information on the Users’ Meeting here

Abstract submission deadline for oral presentations at the LBTO 2014 Users’ Meeting is 
Jan 15, 2014 EoA (UTC+12)

– Is your current research using data from LBTO? Come and talk about it at the Users’ Meeting (UM) with the LBTO users’ community!  Scientific results or data-related issues (calibration, data processing) are welcome!
– Do you have ideas or projects related to instrument pipelines, archives, observing modes? The UM will be a good time to talk about them and get feedback from other users as well as from LBTO and the LBT partnership. 
– If you intend to submit a proposal as an answer to the call for instrument upgrades or new instruments, don’t forget to submit an abstract on your project, as the UM is your only chance to present live your proposal to the community as well as to the LBT SAC and Board.
– If you have ideas on 2nd generation instruments for the observatory in the next decade, you better submit an abstract for the UM too, as we should start talking about them as soon as possible! 

-You want to talk about something else LBT-related? Well, submit an abstract too.

Don’t forget: the deadline is January 15, 2014 AoE (or UTC+12). 

Abstract Submission is one click away from the Users’ Meeting home page and does not require you to register to the UM.