The Large Binocular Telescope: 20 Years of Innovation & Discovery The year 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the dedication of the Large Binocular Telescope.
The Large Binocular Telescope: 20 Years of Innovation & Discovery The year 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the dedication of the Large Binocular Telescope.
Glimpses of a volcanic world: New telescope images of Jupiter’s moon Io rival those from spacecraft The UArizona-managed Large Binocular Telescope on Mount Graham is
In 1995, Swiss astronomers Michael Mayor and Didier Queloz announced the first discovery of a planet outside our solar system, orbiting a distant Sun-like star
Announcing the LBTO Science Conference in Tucson AZ taking place April 11-13, 2024. Details available on our conference website: EXO24 The emerging
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)www.iaa.es The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) leads the sharpest analysis of this forming massive protostar, suggesting that it
Scientists have long thought that spiral arms in protoplanetary disks could be caused by nascent planets, yet none had been detected until now. By Kylianne
The Large Binocular Telescope Observatory is pleased to welcome Dr. Sam Ragland as the Observatory’s new Adaptive Optics Head. In his new role, Sam is
An artist’s impression of a gamma-ray burst powered by a neutron star. Credit: Nuria Jordana-Mitjans An international collaboration led out of the University
The above image shows the light from the supernova behind the galaxy cluster Abell 370. Photo credit: Wenlei Chen, NASA The above image shows the
A recent news story from Gonzaga University reports on research by Gonzaga Professor Erik Aver using the Large Binocular Telescope to study the primordial helium
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